What if everything you’ve been told about church…was a lie?
⛪ Showing up on Sunday makes you a Christian.
(Nah—following Jesus does.)
💰 Give more money, get more blessings.
(God’s not a vending machine.)
⚖️ Be a good person, and you’ll get to heaven.
(You can’t earn what’s already paid for.)
📜 Follow the rules, and you’re good.
(Religion does not equal relationship.)
Jesus didn’t come to start a religion—He came to set us free…
💰 We don’t take your money.
👑 We don’t pay our leaders.
🤝 We serve together—equally.
📖 We don’t follow man-made denominations, traditions, doctrines, or religions.
We LOVE God. We LOVE people. We FOLLOW Jesus…That’s it. That’s everything. It’s that simple!
We’re not fans of Jesus—we’re followers.
Fans watch from the sidelines. Followers walk in His footsteps.
Fans cheer when it’s easy. Followers obey when it’s hard.
Fans know about Him. Followers know Him.
Which one are you?
Are you a fan or a follower of Jesus?
We don’t take your money…
The first church GAVE to each other they didn’t take. We are about helping each other and those around us.
Acts 2:44-45
Communion every time…
The first churches main purpose in meeting was to REMEMBER what Jesus did for all of us, so that’s what we do.
Acts 2:42
Worship is every day not just one day…
The first church praised God DAILY not just one day! In all we do, we praise God!
Acts 2:46-47
The Great CO-Mission…
Jesus said GO and that’s what the first church did and we do the same. We go boldly in LOVE and in ACTION TOGETHER.
Matthew 28:18-20
Power of Prayer…
Prayer is powerful. Jesus did it so we do it! Prayer has the power to change everything!
Matthew 6:9-13
We are not ashamed to proclaim Jesus to ANYONE, ANYWHERE and ANYTIME, TOGETHER!
Matthew 10:32-33
Join The Revolution
This isn’t just a gathering—it’s a movement.
We don’t just meet on Sundays. We live out our faith every day—encouraging, serving, sharing meals, and worshiping together.
What are you waiting for?
The world needs light—and that light is YOU.
The best time to shine is NOW. No more waiting. No more watching. Let’s do this together.
Call us to find out where we’re meeting this week...
Call/Text: (909) 375-3787
Go make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Sprit, teaching them to obey all things that I have commanded you.
I am with you always…
Jesus Christ
Son of God
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